mardi 22 mars 2011

Club Liseron workshop

The next Club Liseron workshop will be on making nettle tea ans other concoctions from your garden. 10 April 2pm at Vicky Dunne's place. Everyone welcome

violets & grape hyacinthes

Muscaris Blue Spike

Viola sororia princeana & muscaris Valerie finnis

Some of the loveliest spring flowers are the littlest ones, the tiny ones that hug the ground, but please you no end when they emerge to amaze you, yet again, with their loveliness!! Thank you so much for the changing of the seasons.

spring salad leaves

What am I picking at the moment in the garden?

Wild sorrel, red veined sorrel and Red Frills mustard. Winter lettuce in the tunnel with frilly green mustard and hairy bittercress. In the veg patch there's some mustard celery, red sorrel, salad burnet, garlic chives and early parsley. Lots of yummy things to pick for a salad, with a few toms or some mozarella!!